Norway’s contribution to the closing ceremony in Hungary

Made by the Norwegian students participating in the Hungarian mobility.

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Program for the Norway mobility

Program for the Norway mobility 13th – 18th of May 2014


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Students from Veiavangen impressed the mayor, the chief officer and the director of development in Nedre Eiker municipality

“ The sudents wrote a letter to the mayor -at the project meeting in Ferney Voltaire, France -about how the municipality had prepared for solving problems caused by Global Warming. The mayor found this so interesting that he invited the students for a debate to find good local solutions  for problems caused by global warming. He was enthusiastic about the studens’ interest for this issue and their knowledge. The meeting was all in English. This was a very successful meeting!

The municipality published the article below on their website 11.05.15. It was seen by 5370 viewers. That’s a great success!

It was shared on Nedre Eiker’s facebook site , shared 11 times and 57 likes.”


Veiavangen-elever imponerte kommuneledelsen

 Som et ledd i valgfaget ”Internasjonalt samarbeid” besøkte 10. trinn ved Veiavangen kommuneledelsen for å få informasjon om kommunens miljøarbeid. Elevene stilte svært godt forberedt, og imponerte ved å holde et rollespill på engelsk med blant annet ordføreren og rådmannen som tilskuere.

 Veiavangen skole deltar i det toårige EU-prosjektet Comenius, som administreres av Senter for internasjonalisering av utdanning (SIU). I prosjektet samarbeider de med skoler i England, Italia, Frankrike, Polen og Ungarn rundt temaet ”Our world – Our future”. Temaene i programmet er blant annet vannkraft, alternative energikilder, global oppvarming, gjenvinning, forurensning og andre miljøutfordringer.

 Lærte om kommunens ”føre-var”-prinsipp

Som en del av arbeidet med temaet global oppvarming, tok elevene kontakt med kommunen for å høre hvilke lokale utfordringer vi har på grunn av at gjennomsnittstemperaturen øker. Kommuneledelsen inviterte elevene til rådhuset der blant andre ordfører Bent Inge Bye og kommunalsjef tekniske tjenester, Siri Skøien, informerte elevene om miljøplanen og kommuneplanen. I disse overordnede planene er ”føre-var”-prinsippet viktig, noe som innebærer at det kontinuerlig jobbes med å forebygge og minimalisere skader fra eventuelle naturhendelser.

Opptatt av Frida

Elevene opplevde selv ekstremværet Frida i 2013, og var naturlig nok opptatt av om kommunen er bedre rustet mot slike hendelser nå. Kommunalsjef Siri Skøien kunne berolige elevene med at det etter Frida ble laget en lang liste over nødvendige tiltak, og at kommunen jobber kontinuerlig med disse. Det sist ferdigstilte tiltaket er utskiftingen av kulverten nederst i Korvaldveien.

Engelsk som arbeidsspråk

I løpet av de to årene programmet har pågått har de deltakende skolene besøkt hverandre. For ett år siden var fem elever og to lærer fra skolene i Mjøndalen, der det ble jobbet med temaet vannkraft. På både samlingene og ellers er arbeidsspråket engelsk. Det kom godt til syne da elevene, med kommuneledelsen som tilskuere, på imponerende vis gjennomførte et rollespill om global oppvarming på engelsk.

comenius øverste

Elevene på valgfaget ”Internasjonalt samarbeid” imponerte ordføreren, rådmannen og kommunalsjefen for tekniske tjenester. Til høyre sees lærer Gro Fossholm Ryghseter.

Comenius nederste bilde
Her er alle elevene samlet sammen med rådmann Bengt Nystrøm (t.v.), lærer Gro Fossholm Ryghseter (nr. 2 f.v.), kommunalsjef tekniske tjenester Siri Skøien (nr. 2 f.h.) og ordfører Bent Inge Bye. Legg merke til at elevene hadde forberedt seg godt også i klesveien før møtet med kommunen.

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Hungarian presentations: the town and about alternative source of energy

Alternative source of energy

Presentation of Szolnok

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Italian presentation on Renewable energies

Presentazione Energie rinnovabili(1)

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Our School in Arezzo – Italy: Presentation


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Italian presentation: Our town, Arezzo


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Norwegian Diary from the French mobility

Diary France – from Norway

Day 1

We arrived in France early in the morning. Then we got picked up by our host families and drove to our houses. We got to know our host families and they showed us around in the different towns. Some of us from Norway got together in the evening, too.

Day 2

We got a tour in the city of Ferney Voltaire and went to the city hall. After that we went to the school and had lunch in the big cafeteria. We also worked in the groups we were assigned on our resolutions and we got to know all the other students very well.

Day 3

Today we went to Chamonix and got to see the very famous glacier Mer de Blanc. To get up in the mountains we had to take a train. It was a really awesome experience because we got to go inside the glacier! We also had lunch there at the hotel that the movie Frankenstein was inspired by that hotel. Because the bus ride took a lot of time, we didn’t get to do so many other things. But in the evening we got together, for example Cecilie, Thea and Ida went to a restaurant.

Day 4

Today we went to Geneve and visited the UN building. We got a guided tour inside and got to see all the conference rooms. After that, we got to go by ourselves around in Geneve and that was a lot of fun. In the late evening, we ate fondue at the pier. It was an interesting experience because no one had ever tried it before. We had a lot of fun and we laughed a lot!

Day 5

We started the day by going to the Jura Mountains to go skiing. Although the slopes were not that good, we had so much fun! We stayed there for quite a while, and also had lunch there. When we got back home, everybody met up at the school to have a pancake party. There was a show where some people, like Ida, danced. We spent the rest of the evening there and at home with our host families.

Day 6

This was the day of the parliamentary game. It was very educating and we got to show what we had worked with during our stay. This took some time, so after we finished, us girls went to a shopping center. When we got home, we packed our things and got ready to go home in the morning. This was our last night with our host families.

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Norwegian Diary from the Hungarian mobility

Diary Hungary- from Norway

Day 1

Everyone met at Drammen train station awake and exited four twenty in the morning. We arrived Gardermoen(the Norwegian airport) almost six. Our flight went at eight in the morning. We landed safely in Budapest almost ten. We got our suitcases and were welcomed by two of our “fathers”. Everyone got in to a car together and drove to Szolnok. At the school we met our families and our hosts. Then we drove home to the families and got to know them and see how they lived. The rest of the day we spent with our families.

Day 2

Our day in Budapest!

In the morning we arrived at the carpark, next to the Pelican Hotel, at around 7 o`clock. Then we were on the go, to Budapest. I was sitting next to Maria, while Ole had some struggles with his seat. But we figured it out, eventually. On our way, we stopped at a gas station, were Julie bought something to drink for me, since I forgot my money in the bus. I got to try out something I always wanted to, and that was Arizona tea. That was amazing. Thank you so much Julie, for that. The bus stopped in Heroes square, were we learned something about the Hungarian history. We took some great pictures at the square. Here we also started our week long competition. It was Johanne who gave us tasks we had to do, during the day, such as learning new words or sentences. This day, it was two sentences: “I want a blue balloon” and “I want a yellow parrot”. That was really funny, and difficult, because I can hardly remember it.

Later that day we drove over the bridge, to the side which is called Buda. We arrived at the Mathias Church, which was one of the most beautiful buildings I have seen in my life. There we learned a lot about how the church originally was used for the Christianity, but where soon used as a mosque for the Muslims. After some years, the Muslims left the country, and left it destroyed. Later the church was rebuilt and is today used for Christianity. The church is still active, and they use it for weddings and baptisms. Mathias was a former king of Hungary. We also took a tour at the castle of Buda, were you could see the other side of the city, Pest. Everything was so beautiful, but the landscape was completely flat. We took the opportunity to eat something before we went back to the bus. My host mum was very kind, and gave me a lot of food. I felt bad, when I didn’t eat it all. But I got to taste some of the best things ever, in my whole life. It was a pastry, shaped as a croissant with cocoa and vanilla filling. It was delicious.

When the time came to go back to the bus, we were already kind of tired. A trip like the Comenius, is so funny and memorable, but also very tiring. We got back to the bus, and drove over to Pest, where we were going to spend the next hours. We got free time in the capital to go shopping, so of course we did! I bought a lot of things, such as clothes, lip sticks, creams and soaps. I even found a new shop, I have never seen before. It was called Pull and Bear, and the clothes there were so nice. I loved that shop. I also got scared by a woman trying to sell me something, but I had my mental supporter Ole Magnus to help me. Then there was time to go to another church. This time, it was Basilica. That was also one of the most beautiful buildings I have ever seen. We got to go up the stairs, which killed both me and my back, but it didn’t matter, to see the 360° view of Budapest. That was totally worth all the pain, but the wind was not on our side. Later we got to go down again, were we also got an unexpected tour in to the Basilica. There we learned about the miracles that happened, and other stories about the Hungarian history. After that we went in to a second chapel, where we got to know something quite disgusting. In a glass mountable there was an actual human hand. The hand belonged to the first king of Hungary, King Stephen.

Then, after an amazing day, it was time to return back to Szolnok. A lot of memories, I will never forget.


Day 3:

The comenius group got split in two, my group went to a place where they did research on the water. We got to look inside one building where they told us about how they did the research and how they clean the water so you can drink it. After this we went back to the school to have lunch. After lunch the teachers gave us a task to make a presentation about are day and what we had learned. When all of the country’s where done with the presentations, a group of people went to eat ice cream to then play bowling.

Day 4

We all went up very early and saw the beautiful sun rising over Szolnok before we headed to Lake Tisza by bus. The artificial lake is a water reservoir delivering water to many places and one of the places is Szolnok.

Then we went to Poroszló which had an interesting Eco-center and a leasure park. Here we enjoyed the rafts and we all had fun trying to avoid getting into the water. There were lots of rare animals. We can mention pelicans and flamingos.

Our final stop was Hortobagy in the Puszta which is the utmost plain in Hungary close to the border of Romania. It was interesting to see how people had lived there with the challenges in the nature.

Day 5

The last day everyone met at the hotel where the teacher stayed half past ten in the morning. The Norwegians and the Italian shared a minibus. We hugged and said goodbye to our families and the other hosts. At the airport we said goodbye and hugged the Italians. We got a little time at the airport so we looked in stores and ate food. We landed in Norway four in the evening. After a little stressful time at the airport we got on the train back to Drammen. We were picked up by our parents and went back to Mjøndalen.

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Mobility activities

Here are the itineraries from each mobility

England: Comenius planning mobility schedule V2

Poland: Polish%20Mobility%20Agenda%203-2

Norway: NORWAY MOBILITY – program

Italy: Italy itnerary (parents)

France: programme itinerary France feb2015

Hungary: Hungary itnerary

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